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Apr 26th 2023
In 1998, a therapist told my husband he wouldn't know if he was a male or a female for 3 months. She wrote him the letter to go get hormones and start sex change behind my back. He took them for 11 years of our marriage behind my back.
We are beginning to find out what a horrible fraud this entire gender industry is. When will the perpetrators who carried it out be held accountable? How will they be held accountable? Statutes of limitations and laws dictate who can sue these monsters. They r protected.
The lesbian therapist who provided that letter to my husband went on to help parents assist their children in transitioning, even writing a book on how to support the child in transitioning.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
THREAD – #GenderWooWoo

Today I incurred the wrath of the Pronoun Platoon.

The crime? – a rap song about how a man cannot become a woman.

I stated some facts and the herd went berserk.

I say in the song: – “If a man wishes to live his life imitating a woman or a bat – fine!”

I am a believer in individual liberty.

I shall uphold dignity in personal interactions.

But I shall not pretend that it isn’t an imitation.
Sex is immutable.

Even if one undergoes every single reassignment procedure, one does not become the opposite sex.

One can take cross-sex hormones, have estradiol valerate injections, undergo an orchiectomy – that is to say, a castration.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
Dear Reddit Leadership @Reddit; @rdetrans, (from @LisaLittman1; @LisaMarchiano; @StellaOMalley3; @SashaLPC)
It has come to our attention that individuals on Reddit are engaging in the highly unethical “brigade and seize” behavior of targeting subreddits that they dislike,…1/5
…indiscriminately tagging content as hate speech, planting their own content and tagging it as hate speech, getting the subreddit banned and then attempting to take over as new moderators…. 2/5
…It is shameful that Reddit has allowed this to happen especially to the r/detrans subreddit because detransitioners are arguably one of the most vulnerable, stigmatized and marginalized populations….3/5
Read 5 tweets

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