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Most recents (2)

May 12th 2023
This is a super🧵about all my threads on #LaTeX.

Writing in #LaTeX is a great skill for anyone in STEM to be able to make beautiful documents with math in them. I've got a complete beginner to master series on YouTube/Twitter and I want to break it down in this thread. 1/
This my complete introduction to the basics of LaTeX for someone just starting out. Disclaimer: I used @overleaf in this video because I thought it was great editor for my students - after this video @overleaf sponsored all the rest of my LaTeX videos!

#ad Speaking of @overleaf, for the first time we joined up to run an actual promo for 10% off annual student or standard plans. Get it here:…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 2nd 2021
@tohecz @agholdier @overleaf One reason why philosophers should use #TeXLaTeX is for logic, of course (if you’re that kind of philosopher).

& then, all the other reasons #LaTeX is great obviously 😊

I wanted to write a post myself at some point but also remember there were good ones out there already..
@tohecz @agholdier @overleaf Like: #TeXLaTeX for Philosophers (and other Humanitarians)…
Read 7 tweets

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