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Mar 9th 2020
Exactly a year ago on 3/8/2019, I jumped on the @ewarren train. I just wanted to help in whatever way I could - I’d even take out their trash if that’s what they needed. I’ve come away a better person, a lot fuller both in my heart and my circle of friends. #ThankYouElizabeth
I'd never done organizing on this scale & I’ve now had to learn how to use illustrator, slack, zoom, all the vol tools, and yes, even Twitter. (Still can’t do Instagram) The past few days have been an emotional rollercoaster. But I figured this is the time to say a few things.
In 2016 I had a lot of regrets because I didn’t get involved early enough and by the time I did, it was too late. This time I have no regrets because I've given it my all. I do have a lot of anger, sorrow, but ultimately, also hope. #ThankYouElizabeth
Read 21 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
1. #ThankYouElizabeth. Through you, I found a crowd of "me's" out there. Several older women who used their higher education and research experience for social change saw themselves in you.
2. Many of us are tired, beaten up and not quite sure if all we did mattered. I talked to many. Me, I don't know: my friends and co-workers in Amazonia are prematurely dead. The organizations I've created, unlike yours, were destroyed.
3. But as you became a permanent virtual presence in our lives, we dared to think it could be different. That in spite of everything, it could still be worth it. One more try.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
We’re long overdue for a female president, and Elizabeth Warren is the ideal candidate: a teacher, a listener, a comforter, a defender, an innovator, a tireless worker, and probably the sharpest mind presently in American politics. (1)
It’s disappointing, and quite frankly scary, that more Americans, especially those of us that call ourselves progressives, weren’t able to recognize or acknowledge what a uniquely capable candidate we had. (2)
The silver lining is that @ewarren’s selfless dedication to progressivism (and extraordinary attention to detail) means that her plans to rectify the current disaster are readily available, even if she won’t be the one signing the bills into law (3)
Read 5 tweets

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