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Mar 14th 2020
Join us on #ArkMidnight
Topic: Turning the MONSTER against itself

Guests: (info in thread)

•Mike Moore @Thomas1774Paine

•Mark Walters @aarmark

•Ron Edwards

YT Chat:…
Stream:… ImageImageImage
1st up - Mike Moore @Thomas1774Paine serves as True Pundit's chief Muckraker. Moore/Paine worked for the FBI, WH, DEA among many other Intel agencies & private concerns. He is the recipient of the coveted Gerald Loeb Award for journalism & a 2-time Pulitzer Prize.
@true_pundit ImageImageImage
2nd - Mark Walters @aarmark is a national board member of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms & a broadcast media spokesman for the 2nd Amendment Foundation & Recipient of the 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award.
#gunrights #2ndAmendment #SaturdayVibes ImageImageImage
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