John B Wells Profile picture…
6 subscribers
Mar 27, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
This woodcut map of 1585 shows the Holy Land as it would have appeared at the time of Jesus, divided into Galilee, Samaria, and Judea. The map appeared in the Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae (Travel book through Holy Scripture) of Heinrich Bünting (1545-1606). Bünting studied theology at the University of Wittenberg in Germany and became a Protestant pastor and theologian.

Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae was an immensely popular book in its day. It provided the most complete available summary of biblical geography and described the geography of the Holy Land by tracing the travels of major figures from the Old and New testaments.…Image
UK government doc linked below was filed in Feb. 2023. A "new" State Of Israel now exists on paper.
There is a difference between the Holy Land of the People of Israel and the State of Israel.

Feb 20, 2022 26 tweets 4 min read
The plutocrat-owned narrative managers of the political/media class work constantly to shrink the Overton window, the spectrum of debate that is considered socially acceptable.… They do this by framing more and more debates in terms of how the oligarchic empire should be sustained and supported, steering them away from debates about whether that empire should be permitted to exist at all.
Nov 23, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Lincoln vs JFK!

Have a history teacher explain this if you can.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.

John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.

John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both were particularly interested in civil rights.

Both women lost a child while living in the White House.

Both presidents were shot dead on a Friday.

Both presidents were shot in the head.

Now it's getting really strange! 😉

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Dec 26, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
What we know about #nashvilleexplosion

· Reports of shots or a firefight bringing police response and set EOD en route.

· 3 separate periods of gunfire reported.

· Warning messages for twenty minutes prior limited individual lives at risk. · Epicenter of blast was next door to a well developed hub whic is Cold War age.
· Fiber infrastructure attack would be better staged at other than downtown locations.
· Redundancies in data storage make this good only if it was a single location.
Sep 1, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Acting out "moral superiority" by defending one's own immorality in such a way that you blame the innocent for it... is an imoral act in itself. It's called psychological abuse... It's textbook NARCISSISTIC behavior.

#DemocratsAreDomesticTerrorists Image Image
Aug 14, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
#JoeBiden disgrace to humanity & anybody who supports him & Buffalo Girl.
I said years ago #SouthAfrica is the test bed for the USA. The world watches as people are exterminated. "Deplorables" next?
Look at SA, step up &
fix the real "wrongs of the past" @realDonaldTrump Same people, same agenda... Whites are "evil deplorables" right?
26 years later and these are the headlines...
👇🏻👇🏻 Take a minute and read these headlines👇🏻👇🏻… ImageImageImageImage
Aug 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
If I suddenly drop off this scope, come to
and you'll find me, if you want to. Will stay on YouTube as long as possible but time is getting short. As I see it, we are under Communist control already.
Major tremors will be felt before we break free of it. Pro-life sidewalk chalk writer is arrested yet BLM scum go free for painting their huge banners on the streets and buildings, destroying property and threatening lives.
The damage being done to our already damaged children is immeasurable.
But the people want to feel safe.
Jul 30, 2020 11 tweets 9 min read
Guess the song... ImageImageImageImage ImageImageImageImage
Jun 23, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Image When she played in American Horror story: Hotel, she was a vampire type ghost and she would make kids vampires and use them to feed off of. Image
Jun 19, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
I find it ironic that people of color who claim racial discrimination with this argument that "white folks" can't possibly understand what it's like to be black? Well we've been living with racial discrimination for being white for years in this country. #WhiteLivesMatterToo ImageImage @mattgaetz was attacked because he's white. How many white people lost everything in the riots? How many white people have lost their jobs for simply alluding to white discrimination? How many have lost their YouTube channel, website & livelihood?
May 20, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
Listen to the audio folks... I can't believe this hasn't been on mainstream...
- Listen to all... I'll post all in thread!
And here is how Poroshenko presented the resignation of Shokin to Biden. He was in a hurry to report to Biden as soon as he unlawfully forced a statement on the resignation of Prosecutor General Shokin.
May 5, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Okay, my channel is no longer eligible to monetize since 2019 - This I know - due to "Harmful content" - (Reading the news is clearly "harmful" but another subject altogether) - I have a few questions - please help me get to the bottom of this - See thread below pls. Image 1. See my livestream video latest radio show -
It's riddled with adverts - so my content is harmful & not "advertiser friendly" - so who is running ads on my channel and who is getting paid? Meaning my content is good for ads as long as I don't benefit? Image
Apr 30, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Are we are hunting mosquitoes with a G5 cannon?

For the people crying for the world to remain shut down, answer these questions:

1) How many children should starve in order to make you feel safe?

2) How many families must go bankrupt in order to make you feel safe?
#COVID19 3) How many wives and children must be stuck at home with an abusive husband/father in order to make you feel safe?

4) How many business owners should lose everything they've worked for in order to make you feel safe?

#NormalPeople #COVID19
Apr 23, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Typical Nazis - calling Patriots and truth seekers the Nazis... Hypocrisy is the Hallmark of the left.
Apr 18, 2020 5 tweets 7 min read
Join us on #ArkMidnight
Topic: Fight the Good Fight


•Peter Chowka

•David DuByne

•Gil Moore

YT Chat:…
#Thunderbirds #FightTheGoodFight Peter Chowka @PChowka is an author, journalist, media analyst and commentator on various issues. With over four decades of experience reporting for publications and media including American Thinker & The Epoch Times.
Apr 4, 2020 21 tweets 8 min read
USA just discovered the man who manufactured and sold the #coronavirus to #China. Dr #CharlesLieber, head of the chemistry and biology department at #HarvardUniversity, USA. He was just arrested today according to American department sources.…
Mar 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
German state financial minister kills himself over #Coronavirus ‘despair’ Image
Mar 28, 2020 4 tweets 7 min read
Join us on #ArkMidnight
Topic: The Unknown Enemy
Guests: (info in thread)

•Lt Col. Tony Shaffer

•Ken LaCorte

•John D. O'Connor

YT Chat:…
Stream:… ImageImageImageImage 1st up: Lt Col. Tony Shaffer @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y
#NYTimes bestselling author & retired senior intelligence operations officer with 35 years of experience in military operations and national security. He is also an advisor to @POTUS ’s #Trump2020 Re-election Campaign.

#CoronaLockdown ImageImageImage
Mar 21, 2020 4 tweets 7 min read
Join us on #ArkMidnight
Topic: The #coronavirus Narrative

Guests: (info in thread)

•Mahgdalen Rose @MahgdalenRose
•Ken LaCorte @KenLaCorte
•Gregory Wrightstone @GWrightstone

YT Chat:…
Stream:… ImageImageImage 1st Up: Mahgdalen Rose @MahgdalenRose.
The host of #TheRoseReport on #CaravanToMidnight, the author of the Pro-Life children's book of “I can hear you. The story of a not yet born human being.” A Contributor for Freedomists and a college student. ImageImageImage
Mar 14, 2020 4 tweets 7 min read
Join us on #ArkMidnight
Topic: Turning the MONSTER against itself

Guests: (info in thread)

•Mike Moore @Thomas1774Paine

•Mark Walters @aarmark

•Ron Edwards

YT Chat:…
Stream:… ImageImageImage 1st up - Mike Moore @Thomas1774Paine serves as True Pundit's chief Muckraker. Moore/Paine worked for the FBI, WH, DEA among many other Intel agencies & private concerns. He is the recipient of the coveted Gerald Loeb Award for journalism & a 2-time Pulitzer Prize.
@true_pundit ImageImageImage
Feb 29, 2020 4 tweets 10 min read
Join us on #ArkMidnight -
Topic: The Silent Resistance against #LeftistHypocrisy

•John Dennis

•Dan Happel

•Sergio Michel

YT Chat:…

#LeapDay @RealJohnDennis @DanHappel @SMichelMusic 1st - John Dennis @RealJohnDennis is running for election to the #USHouse for CA's 12th Con. District. He is on the ballot in the primary election on 3/3/20

‘I want you dead’: #Pelosi’s GOP challenger threatened by leftist thug' ImageImageImageImage