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May 27th 2023
7 Simple Life Hacks for You! A twitter thread...

Here are simple tips to improve your #life and feel the difference. Here’s how you can do it: Image
1) Prioritize Your Health

It doesn’t take time to stay #healthy, wealthy, and wise. Unfortunately, we don’t pay much attention to our personal well-being.

You should know that no work is more important than your #health. Whatever you do make sure it doesn’t affect your health.
Here’s what I do:

Every morning, I practice #yoga for my mental and physical well-being. In addition, I always make sure that my daily diet includes leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Because I believe health is wealth.

Read 13 tweets
May 20th 2023
Libra Rising Attributes:-
Astrology is a complex subject, and individual characteristics can vary based on the specific placements and aspects in a birth chart. Here are some typical attributes associated with Libra ascendant:
Diplomatic and Harmonious: Libra rising individuals tend to possess a charming and diplomatic demeanor. They have a natural ability to navigate social situations and strive to maintain harmony and balance in their interactions with others.
Cooperative and Peacemakers: People with Libra ascendant often prioritize cooperation and seek to create a harmonious environment. They are skilled at mediating conflicts and finding compromises that satisfy everyone involved.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
This will be my thread for the #Uncool50 rundown of 2022! My favorite 50 formally released singles between December 1976 to now.

Come along for the ride it’ll be fun! My personal guardrails for it were a big help w/ hard choices (see below)
#hiphop Image
See here for the rules and other players. Then come back each night to see my next entry - some obvious, some niche, and everything in between!

Much thanks to @nonoxcol for getting this going and giving it clarity!
Chronological order, so not the lowest/highest ranked, but the first (and a trailblazer!). It still sounds like little else and can make me cry. #RIP you legend

1. @DavidBowieReal - “Heroes” (Sept. 1977)

Read 66 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
One of the very few times I have agreed with a Tory, @Jeremy_Hunt said earlier "Time is of the essence" in relation to those with #infectedblood so @Michael_Ellis1 please hurry up with the suggested interim payment

A friend of ours and his brother, both haemophilliacs received
#infectedblood his brother sadly died a few years later as a result, our friend has survived thanks to medical breakthroughs and with the love of his family he leads as much a normal life as possible, but this life has presented him with many challenges both mentally & physically
but he has miraculously and heroically beaten those challenges and thankfully continues to do so.
So if you are with me, our friend, the survivors and the bereaved families please like, RT and share this tweet so all those affected can at least acheive some sort of "justice"
Read 5 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
Entrepreneurship is a very attractive route for those who want the freedom to be their own boss and make an impact in the world. But anyone who wants to go down to this part have to develop certain skill sets. Here is a thread on the same
#enterpreneurship #SaturdayVibes Image
1) Communication :- It’s no secret that communication is an important skill for business people. Without the ability to communicate, i.e. pitch, educate, inspire, entrepreneurs cannot sell their products, gain support for their ideas, or raise venture capital. #Communication Image
2) Money Management:- Businesses exist to make money, which means entrepreneurs need to know how to manage their finances effectively. They need to understand cash flow - how much money comes in, how often, how accessible the money is, and how it is used. #Investment Image
Read 12 tweets
May 9th 2021
If there is anyone that could help fill two serious requests. One is for a single father fleeing family domestic violence & the other is for a single senior needing help with medication that she can’t afford.

To fill these two requests and the two from last night we need $980.00
Dm us for more information.

The single father needs $380.00 for rent.

The single senior needs $476.00 for her meds that aren’t covered.

#Alberta #Calgary #Canada #Edmonton #Lethbridge #Abgov #COVID19 #CalgaryStrong #CanadaStrong #AlbertaStrong #PleaseHelp #Donate #AlbertaCares
The two requests from last night are for a single female that is taking care of her mom who is 70. She has NO food in their house.

We took her a few bags of food last night at 2:45am and left with a promise to bring a food hamper by Monday.

#help #COVIDSecondWave #BeKind #YYC
Read 7 tweets
Apr 19th 2021

Light’s glittering morn bedecks the sky,
Heav’n thunders forth its victor cry:
The glad earth shouts her triumph high,
And groaning hell makes wild reply.

#MorningPrayer #19April

From the predella of a polyptych of the Madonna and Child
The Ducal Palace, Urbino Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 13th 2021
Spirituality and Science behind Amavasya/No moon/New moon day. #Meditation
"Amavasya is a day when one can become easily aware of, ‘What is me n what is not me,’ n from there on, the journey from untruth to truth begins" .. #Sadhguru
There are several spiritual effects of Amavasya on human n human behavior as an individual tends to act restlessly n become ill-tempered n irritable which depicts the signs of lunacy.
The word lunacy even has been originated from the word moon or luna.
Amavasya has colossal effects on human and human behavior in general. On the day of Amavasya, it is believed that the subconscious mind becomes vulnerable.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 27th 2021
Drip irrigation is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops. It delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant's roots zone, in the right amounts, at the right time.

#MasculinitySaturday #SaturdayThoughts #SaturdayVibes
Why Drip Irrigation system?

Water is used at maximum optimum level.

As water is applied locally and leaching is reduced, fertilizer/nutrient loss is minimized.

Message @mynzagric254 on WhatsApp…

Let's talk drip irrigation system
Weeds cannot absorb water as no water is available for them and thus grow in less number

Crop yield is maximum

Fertilizers can be used with high efficiency.

Minimum operating cost

No soil erosion

Soil infiltration capacity is increased.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 30th 2021


Life Lessons From Krishna

Krishna was one of the most influential figures in human history. Certainly, he was one of the most influential figures in India. Through his stories and teachings, Indian spirituality took a stronger tone of devotion and love.
At the heart of it, his teachings were simple and easy to grasp- which is perhaps why they’re still so popular today.

1) Everything happens for a reason

Krishna described again and again that the creator of the world is always watching us- hence you don’t need to waste
your time lamenting over the past or getting overly anxious about the future. Instead, keep your mind in the moment and what you wish to achieve.

2) Value love

Since god is unconditional love, to love others is to serve god in some way. Krishna exemplified this by loving
Read 8 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
Today in pulp I look at the wonderful, exciting, passionate world of macrame!

I kid you knot... #SaturdayVibes Image
Macrame is a way to make textiles by knotting - rather than weaving or knitting - yarn. It's very versatile! If you like owls... Image
It's also very old: the Babylonians and the Assyrians used the techniques to fringe their costumes. Image
Read 13 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
Today in pulp... a rather elusive artist, the brilliant Gene Szafran! #SaturdayVibes Image
Gene Szafran was born in Michigan in 1941 and studied at The Society of Arts and Crafts in Detroit. He later became an art teacher there. Image
Szafran moved to New York City in 1967, where his work featured in Playboy and Cosmopolitan. He also worked on a number of album covers, winning the 1969 Grammy for his Rhinoceros album cover. Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
- माणुस Keyच्या जादूचे प्रयोग -

“बोल साहेबा,काय सेवा करू तुझी?
काय घेणार चहा, कॉफी कि ग्रीन टी?”

हा प्रश्न मला एका मोठ्या कंपनीतील उच्चपदस्थ अधिकाऱ्याने अतिशय आपुलकीने विचारला होता.
मी त्यांच्या ॲाफीसमधे बहुतेक वर्ष-दिड वर्षानंतर 1/15

#MyStory #BusinessDots #सत्यकथा #मराठी #म
काही महत्त्वाच्या Technical Discussion साठी गेलो होतो. आमचे ऋणानुबंधही तसे चांगले आहेत.

त्यांनी लगेच बेल वाजवली आणि दरवाज्यातून त्यांचा ॲाफीसबाॅय आत आला, मी त्या ॲाफीसबाॅकडे पाहिले आणि म्हणालो - “सतिशला माहित आहे”

आणि त्यानेही हलकेच हसून मान डोलावली... 2/15 #SaturdayVibes
साहेबांकडे पाहून सतिशने “तुम्ही, काय घेणार सर? असे विचारले, साहेबांनी त्याला त्यांच्यासाठी काॅफी आणायला सांगितले. तो ही लगेच केबिनमधून बाहेर गेला.

जाताजाता मला एका हाताने नमस्कार केला आणि मी ही त्याला तसाच प्रतिसाद दिला.

“तु या सतिशला कसा काय ओळखतोस? आणि तो ही तुला कसा?”3/15
Read 15 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
Saturday, 5th September 2020

#Moon is transiting through the Revati, the 27th nakshatra ruled by #Mercury. Mercury is exalted in #virgo which is directly aspecting the moon. Moon- mercury opposition makes us quite calculative & the free flow of emotions is not there. However Image
#Revatinakshatra gifts prosperity and nourishment. The month of #september is filled with many planetary transformations. #Venus has changed house and is currently transiting #cancer. Mercury is in its exalted state in #Virgo. #Jupiter is going to become direct on Sep 13, 2020.
#Rahu and #ketu are changing signs on Sep 23, 2020. As ketu will leave Mula, Major relief from Corona can be seen. Also,we can expect some good news regarding vaccinee in coming days due to changing cosmic weather.

#Astrology #astroquote #SaturdayVibes #SaturdayMorning
Read 3 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
😮🥳Exciting!! Today starts the countdown for #30days30waysUK September is Preparedness Month:
🔟explore the new site

#SaturdayMotivation #SaturdayVibes
😍🤩 Countdown to the 6th annual #30days30waysUK September is Preparedness Month. 🐦🐣Early bird #GetReady.
9️⃣ Find out how to join, download the BINGO

#SundayFunday #SundayMotivation
😎🍿#BePreparedNotScared Countdown to the 6th annual #30days30waysUK September is Preparedness Month

8⃣ Explore our YouTube cartoons
#MondayMotivation #preparedness #SMEM #EMGtwitter
Read 10 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
Yesterday was Varalakshmi Vritham
And everyone who has taken up this Vritham welcomed her.
India is land of colours
Not one Varalakshmi Matha looks identical
Everyone has used their creativity to their best & did awesome Alankaram to her
Just sharing those photos which Image
I received from family, Friends & Acquitance
#SaturdayMotivation Image
Read 19 tweets
Jul 25th 2020

सकाळी उठल्यावर करदर्शन केल्याने कोणते लाभ होतात ?

सध्याच्या धकाधकीच्या जीवनात आपण सकाळी उठल्या उठल्या आपली नियोजित कामे करण्याच्या मागे लागतो. अशा वेळी उठल्यावर थोडा वेळ धर्माचरण केल्यास त्याचा दिवसभर लाभ होऊ शकतो.


1/3 Image
करदर्शन 🙌

दोन्ही हातांची ओंजळ करून त्यामध्ये मन एकाग्र करून पुढील श्‍लोक म्हणावा.

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः करमध्ये सरस्वती ।
करमूले तु गोविन्दः प्रभाते करदर्शनम् ।।

अर्थ : हाताच्या अग्रभागी लक्ष्मी वास करते. हाताच्या मध्यभागी सरस्वती आहे आणि मूळ भागात गोविंद आहे;


म्हणून सकाळी उठल्याबरोबर हाताचे दर्शन घ्यावे. (पाठभेद : हाताच्या मूळ भागात ब्रह्मा आहे.)

अधिक माहितीसाठी भेट द्या :
Read 3 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
हनुमानजीको मदारके पत्ते क्यों अर्पण करें ?

ऐसा कहते हैं कि, देवताको जो वस्तु भाती है, वही उन्हें पूजामें अर्पण की जाती है । उदाहरणके रूपमें गणपतिको लाल फूल, शिवजीको बेल, विष्णुको तुलसी इत्यादि ।

अधिक जानकारी हेतु 👉…


👇🏻 Image
वास्तवमें उच्च देवताओंकी रुचि-अरुचि नहीं होती । विशिष्ट वस्तु अर्पण करनेके पीछे अध्यात्मशास्त्रीय कारण होता है । पूजाका उद्देश्य है, मूर्तिमें चैतन्य निर्माण होकर पूजकको उसका लाभ हो । यह चैतन्य निर्माण होनेके लिए विशिष्ट देवताको विशिष्ट वस्तु अर्पित की जाती है,
जैसे हनुमानजीको तेल, सिंदूर एवं मदारके फूल तथा पत्ते । इन वस्तुओंमें हनुमानजीके महालोकतकके देवताके सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्म कण, जिन्हें पवित्रक कहते हैं, उन्हें आकृष्ट करनेकी क्षमता होती है । अन्य वस्तुओंमें ये पवित्रक आकृष्ट करनेकी क्षमता अल्प होती है ।
Read 4 tweets
Jul 4th 2020
🌸 @SanatanSanstha आणि @HinduJagrutiOrg यांच्या वतीने आयोजित ‘ऑनलाईन गुरुपौर्णिमा महोत्सवां’चे निमंत्रण 🙏🏻

📝 रविवार, 5 जुलै 2020 च्या सायंकाळी या महोत्सवांचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे.

📽️ Video Byte : श्री. चेतन राजहंस, राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ते, सनातन संस्था 🎙️

#SaturdayThoughts 👇👇
🖥️📱 मराठी, हिंदी, इंग्रजी, गुजराती, पंजाबी, बंगाली, उडिया, तेलुगु, कन्नड, तमिळ आणि मल्याळम् या 11 भाषांमध्ये 5 जुलैच्या सायंकाळी ‘ऑनलाईन गुरुपौर्णिमा महोत्सवां’चे प्रक्षेपण

👉 ‘मराठी’ भाषेतील ‘ऑनलाईन गुरुपौर्णिमा महोत्सव’ हा 5 जुलैला सायंकाळी 7 वाजता होणार असून तो FaceBook अथवा YouTube द्वारे पहाता येईल. त्याच्या लिंक्स पुढीलप्रमाणे :

🌐 1.
🌐 2.
Read 5 tweets
May 6th 2020
Every dream, when it comes true, lays the foundation for newer goals, newer aspirations, and newer dreams. Spending the next year studying at @IIMAhmedabad could perhaps be the biggest adventure I've signed up for yet. @PGPX_IIMA Admit!! #backtoschool #MBA…
When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, others build windmills. - Chinese Proverb

#Day1 #PGPX #MBA #IIMA #DailyQuote #ThoughtForTheDay #MotivationMonday #quoteoftheday
Read 370 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
Join us on #ArkMidnight
Topic: The Unknown Enemy
Guests: (info in thread)

•Lt Col. Tony Shaffer

•Ken LaCorte

•John D. O'Connor

YT Chat:…
Stream:… ImageImageImageImage
1st up: Lt Col. Tony Shaffer @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y
#NYTimes bestselling author & retired senior intelligence operations officer with 35 years of experience in military operations and national security. He is also an advisor to @POTUS ’s #Trump2020 Re-election Campaign.

#CoronaLockdown ImageImageImage
2nd hr: Ken LaCorte @KenLaCorte
Founder of @LaCorteNews: With his motto of “news unspun, talk uncensored” Ken highlights media malfeasance & Silicon Valley censorship. Ken was a senior executive at #FoxNews from 98-2016 where he headed the editorial team for 10yrs.
#SaturdayVibes ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
@mayorcantrell⁩ You are on the BIG news channels blaming the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT for NOT canceling Mardi Gras and showboating, THIS IS HAPPENING IN THE CITY OF #NewOrleans TODAY ⁦@FoxNews⁩ ⁦@FOX8NOLA⁩ I want to go back to work, DAMNIT!!!…
I want to go back to work and can’t but this is ALLOWED!!!! #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #SaturdayVibes #disgusted #untilltomorrow #CommonSense
Read 3 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
Join us on #ArkMidnight
Topic: Turning the MONSTER against itself

Guests: (info in thread)

•Mike Moore @Thomas1774Paine

•Mark Walters @aarmark

•Ron Edwards

YT Chat:…
Stream:… ImageImageImage
1st up - Mike Moore @Thomas1774Paine serves as True Pundit's chief Muckraker. Moore/Paine worked for the FBI, WH, DEA among many other Intel agencies & private concerns. He is the recipient of the coveted Gerald Loeb Award for journalism & a 2-time Pulitzer Prize.
@true_pundit ImageImageImage
2nd - Mark Walters @aarmark is a national board member of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms & a broadcast media spokesman for the 2nd Amendment Foundation & Recipient of the 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award.
#gunrights #2ndAmendment #SaturdayVibes ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
@drzvq @CountryTisOThee @Dbargen @Savingrace_ @merlins_girl @garway95 @Greybeardbiker @laridious @Lynnoftrumpland @mcpaintdoctor @Pat_riots2KAG @KarmaLovesTrump @KathiCupidsmom @Laura4_45 @Leigh95907624 @MagaDiva1 @MaryUlinger @mclaren_roberts @Pawleybaby1999 @FairyQ15 1)

To register & vote in the
reconstructed system as a 14th Amendment Federal citizen(U.S. Citizens) puts you in direct violation against the law of your independent nation 👉(state constitution) & makes you a belligerent enemy combatant to your own nation of birth. Image
@drzvq @CountryTisOThee @Dbargen @Savingrace_ @merlins_girl @garway95 @Greybeardbiker @laridious @Lynnoftrumpland @mcpaintdoctor @Pat_riots2KAG @KarmaLovesTrump @KathiCupidsmom @Laura4_45 @Leigh95907624 @MagaDiva1 @MaryUlinger @mclaren_roberts @Pawleybaby1999 @FairyQ15 2)
Furthermore by voting for governance (Federal Officers) in the eyes of law you have proven yourself to be an infant with no ability to govern yourself. FOOTNOTE: As people of the several American republics(states) has submitted to the Federal Corporation (lord), they are..... Image
@drzvq @CountryTisOThee @Dbargen @Savingrace_ @merlins_girl @garway95 @Greybeardbiker @laridious @Lynnoftrumpland @mcpaintdoctor @Pat_riots2KAG @KarmaLovesTrump @KathiCupidsmom @Laura4_45 @Leigh95907624 @MagaDiva1 @MaryUlinger @mclaren_roberts @Pawleybaby1999 @FairyQ15 3)
...deemed children of the state, see case of: Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints v U.S.  478 (1889) 

Image: The current system treats people as incompetent adult children that needs to be governed & all by your CONSENT! Image
Read 8 tweets

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