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Feb 15th 2022
“What do you need for a trauma-informed school?” That was the title of my talk today, t very first live since lockdown!!, w/ 35 staff at @MillofMainsPS in Dundee. Here’s a THREAD on t range of trauma-attentive things they are ALREADY doing to support their childrn.
2. First, what does a GROUP of gathered staff look like?? THIS!! In their brand new, never-before-used Community Hall! #Honoured We came up with ideas for all sorts of community events, to ripple out the insights of today to parents & others, didnt we @geordiepeaches ? 😀
3. New teacher: “I’ve been using cards I made up to let the kids choose how to regulate. They only took me a few minutes to make. They’ve saved me hours of time. It’s like a way for them to tell me what they need even in midst of big emotions.”
Me: “Do you have them handy?”
Read 31 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
I want to thank the following schools, orgs & staff for actions you have taken in implementing relationship-led practice. gave examples of practice from each of you in my presentatn today to t @BEPvoice Conf to school leaders in Birmingham. You create paths others can follow.
2. @PitteucharE - I spoke, as I so often do, of your language change, from 'challenging behaviour' to 'distressed behaviour', and its transformation for your school. I recommended this @ACEAwareNation talk from your head @JKnussen .
3. @PortobelloHigh I spoke of yr practice of personal greetings for pupils as they step into a classroom - and considered t challenges posed by COVID, substitutng handshakes w/ other greetngs. I recommnded ths @ACEAwareNation video frm Head @ruthsmckay .
Read 13 tweets
Jul 1st 2020
1/ #TheLittleIceberg supports children’s wellbeing & emotional health. The book tells a metaphoric story of a girl struggling in a big world, feeling alone who has difficulties w relationships. She finds t ability to heal with the help of a new friend, Kindness.
2/ A lovely addition to the bookshelf for children’s story time at home, and it can also be used as a therapy tool for children and is being used by teachers, therapists and support workers to start conversations about feelings that children find difficult to understand.
3/ It comes with a Companion Guide written by @suzannezeedyk & @scotsleadership that helps the parent/carer/teacher to navigate & understand what may be happening for children who have been negotiating difficult situations.
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