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May 24th 2020
The #kadavallur sree #rama kshetra. The most ancient Rama temple of Thrissur with rich inscriptions that dates to pallava period & beyond. Holds many info about ancient times.The sole witness of Kerala's rig veda chanting competition #anvonyam. Long #thread. Will post 1 daily.
.#kadavallur was a sanskrit and vedic university as children from prominent vedic schools from the #panniyur faction (Thrissur Brahmaswom madom) and #Thirunavaya representing #Sukapuram used to compete by chanting 10,472 rigvedic mantras in 7 stages as part of #anyonyam (2/n)
A scholar shared with us that there are records that indicate from BC 238 - 1778AD #anyonyam was managed by Vanneri-perumpadappu and later came under Kochi kingdom. The temple is under @ASIGoI. Notice the golden word #secular in the pic?
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