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Aug 31st 2020
In celebration of #NationalHeroesDay, let's remember our heroes present/past by being like them. I'll go 1st:
#IfIWereAHero, I'd be #NinoyIsAHero. He inspires me to a better citizen of our nation. How about you, @makeapoint690, @Kimboo1627, @MaamSyj & @mlq3?
(tag the next 4)
#IfIWereAHero, I'd be a medical frontliner. They are the modern-day heroes that we must protect and honor. They deserve better! How about you, @giasison, @DrTonyLeachon @raymondnaguit @jaicabajar? #ProtectOurMedicalFrontliners #NationalHeroesDay
#IfIWereAHero, I'd be #PepeDiokno. He is a defender of human rights and a strong voice against tyranny and oppression. How about you, @ChelDiokno @fthilbay @SenLeiladeLima @erintanada?
#EndImpunity #StopEJKs #EndDrugWarOnThePoor #HuwagKangPapatay #NoToDeathPenalty
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