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Oct 26th 2020
Echoes of Trump today....1924 US Immigration Act under another GOP President aimed at reducing the number of immigrants flocking to the shores of America resulted in an inglorious moment when a German Ocean Liner, St Louis tried to dock with 1,000 Jewish passengers on board. 👇
The vessel was turned away - over a quarter of the 1,000 Jewish passengers were to perish later in Nazi Concentration Camps. This is the result of a nation's POTUS & legislature acting disproportionately by imposing draconian legislation with little opposition from US Congress.
Today another currently serving GOP President passed 3 executive orders on immigration in early 2017 that resulted in the children of Latin American Immigrants being separated from their parents and locked up in cages.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
Consider Trump Paranoia?

His longest-serving political advisor Stephen Miller: Covid
His longest-serving business associate Hope Hicks: Covid
His longest-serving legal advisor Giuliani: so sick, likely Covid
His longest-serving fake wife #Flotits: Covid

#ScreamHere #WayTooEarly Image
Trump Paranoia 2/5

Trump longest-serving accountant: Allen Weisselberg: Flipped
Trump longest-serving lawyer: Michael Cohen: Flipped
Trump longest-serving friend: David Pecker: Flipped
Trump longest-serving sex playboy buddy: Epstein: epsteined in prison

#TrumpIsNotAmerica Image
Trump Paranoia 3/5

Trump most trusted child, Ivanka: Covid (in reality is plotting her get-away behind locked door)
Trump Idiot Son number 1: Don Jr: Called dad crazy
Trump Idiot son number 2: Eric* Testified in NY for 8 hours Monday

*obviously Gary Busey's son
#TrumpIsNotWell Image
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