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Aug 3rd 2020
I am the STRONGEST! I am the MOST HANDSOME! I am the RICHEST! I am the BEST builder! Just look at what I’ve built!! Gilgamesh Ziggurat is the greatest. The workers need to stop groaning and get back to toiling. #MakeUrokGreatAgain #GilgaZigg #WINNER
Losers and liars say I worked with Sumeria to build a dam to block the Euphrates River and now our fields are full of salt. FAKE NEWS. There was no collusion. No obstruction! Witch Hunt! FAKE TABLETS ARE THE ENEMY OF UROK! #MUGA
You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful maidens— I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're two-thirds deity, they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them on their wedding night. You can do anything. #URokStar
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