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Oct 2nd 2021

US frequently arrests foreign company executives and puts them in prison. These companies usually paid out colossal fines, were dismembered, appropriated or faded out of the market. No country has put up a fight & won except China.
Let's do the case study of France's Alsthom.

There was a popular saying that 1 out of every 4 light bulbs in the world is powered by Alstom's technology.

Alstom was once the pride of French industry, with operations in more than 60 countries around the world,
an annual turnover of more than $16 billion and more than 110,000 employees. It is the world's No. 1 in hydropower equipment, No. 1 in conventional islands for nuclear power plants, No. 1 in environmental control systems, No. 1 in high speed trains,
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