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Apr 6th 2020
#Goodreads for today:

1. Interview with Riyaaz Amlani who runs some popular #restaurants in Mumbai. Covers everything to know - the depth of bleed, skewed cost structure, low affordability in India, unit economics, Covid impact, tax issues (no GST credit)…
2. Will India's Real estate prices finally correct?
Anarock expects an annual decline of 25-35% in home sales (top 7 cities) in 2020. Property prices may come down by 10-20% across geographies, while land prices could see an even higher reduction of 30%…
3. STRONGLY recommended

"Signalling as a service" by @lehrjulian
Most of our everyday actions are some form of signalling or status seeking - brands we choose, MBA degrees, charity, etc. And how smart businesses leverage this.…
Read 11 tweets
Sep 13th 2019
Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling. Book by Edgar Schein > Effective communication relies on good relationships. A humble inquiry helps you demonstrate trust as well as interest in your conversation partner, building a solid and meaningful relationship 🤝
Ultra learning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career. Book by Scott Young > Whether you’re teaching yourself stochastic calculus or perfecting your tennis serve, your ultralearning project should always begin with metalearning!
Metalearning is the process of learning how to learn. You should first establish how information is structured in your chosen field. Metalearning is all about looking for the big picture, then using it to devise your optimal learning strategy. #UltraLearning
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