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May 18th 2021
Most of this week I am attending the @gartner Data & Analytics Summit - EMEA (from inside my home office. yay!). I will be sharing my appreciation for some of the speakers/sessions in this 🧵as well as knowledge that I gained and think is worthy of sharing!

Morning started off well with a great session by @danielmintz on how to 'Break the adoption barrier'!

Colleagues are so used to have seamless access to data in their personal lives, while accessing data at work is an horrendous struggle. The gap is huge!

#GartnerDA ImageImage
Participated in a Workshop around 'Creating an Effective Data and Analytics Strategy' with @mikerollings.

It contained some useful exercises that I will take with me in the discussions regarding @Vanderlande 's Data-Driven Strategy!

#GartnerDA #DataStrategy ImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
Mi è arrivato in anteprima, e sarà finalmente disponibile tra pochi giorni, "Il fascismo e la storia", a cura di Paola Salvatori -> Image
Sono gli atti, usciti in ritardo causa pandemia, del convegno del 2017 di cui sono disponibili le registrazioni sul canale YouTube della @scuolanormale ->
Già dalle relazioni proposte all'incontro si comprendeva che si trattava di un momento molto importante per impostare idee originali su storia intellettuale e politico-culturale del Ventennio, storia della storiografia e storia delle relazioni culturali internazionali
Read 7 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
#MCProOpinion | Fixing the cost of the vaccines is proving to be a knotty problem, writes Prosenjit Datta

#COVID19 #Vaccine…
#MCProOpinion | India has set an ambitious target of achieving renewable energy capacity of 500 GW by 2030. But doubts remain: Abhijit Kumar Dutta

#renewableenergy #renewables…
#MCProOpinion | Supply disruption during COVID-19 is driving positive change in the automobile industry. Manufacturers are stepping up local sourcing. This can benefit the domestic auto component industry: R Sree Ram

#AutoSector #COVID19…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 8th 2020

Thread of my #Goodreads reviews for Sardinian fiction writers

#Sardinia #Sardegna #authors #books #narrativa #SardinianAuthors #letteratura #LetteraturaSarda #IscritoresDeSardigna 🌅 Image
Canne al vento (Reeds in the Wind), by Grazia Deledda.

1926's Literature Nobel prize, this book is a beauty. By the same author, we also have many articles and collections about folk tales and tradition customs.

🇬🇧English review:…
I delitti della salina, Francesco Abate ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #IDelittiDellaSalina #libri #recensioni

🇮🇹 Recensione in italiano:… Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
#Goodreads for today:

1. Thinking beyond the pandemic by @svembu. Increasingly fascinated with his thoughts and ideology. Here he writes about the overvaluation across asset classes and his disdain for financial absurdities.

2. Kishore Biyani falters again
Last week, KB almost lost majority control of Future Retail, but got saved by a court verdict that some say goes against the tenets of free markets. Good for understanding perils of pledging shares in a down market (Paywall)…
3. There is always something to learn when @_kirand writes, especially with the "intellectual honesty" this seems missing in the industry.

The angst/ truth of knowing, not knowing and everything in between.…
Read 14 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
#Goodreads for today:

1. Interview with Riyaaz Amlani who runs some popular #restaurants in Mumbai. Covers everything to know - the depth of bleed, skewed cost structure, low affordability in India, unit economics, Covid impact, tax issues (no GST credit)…
2. Will India's Real estate prices finally correct?
Anarock expects an annual decline of 25-35% in home sales (top 7 cities) in 2020. Property prices may come down by 10-20% across geographies, while land prices could see an even higher reduction of 30%…
3. STRONGLY recommended

"Signalling as a service" by @lehrjulian
Most of our everyday actions are some form of signalling or status seeking - brands we choose, MBA degrees, charity, etc. And how smart businesses leverage this.…
Read 11 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
Some #goodreads:

1. The Luckin Coffee saga -
2. Covid-19 an inflection point for Life Insurance…
3. Little book that builds wealth - summary…
4. List of geatest speeches of all time
5. Durgesh Shah session:

6. Thread on CARE's assessment by sectors

7. Fast bowlers are not thinking for themselves…

8. Understanding VIX
9. Market meltdown, the virus and other actionables…

10. My first decade as a full time investor- Notes by @drudaicheema…

11. Polycab India: Switching gears…

12. Why time has slowed…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 31st 2018
M'heu fet agafar enveja amb les vostres estadístiques lectores, així que m'hi apunto i amb gràfics!
Total lectures apuntades: 45

Obres llegides en català: 44%
Obres llegides en castellà: 36%
Obres llegides en anglès: 20%
Novel·la: 58%
Antologia: 13%
Còmic: 20%
Revista: 9%

Autors: 49%
Autores: 38%
Mix: 13%
PER VALORACIÓ (Entre 1 i 5 estrelles)
Excel·lent (5*): 11%
Notable (4*): 64%
Bona (3*): 25%

@OrcinyPress : 12%
@PanelSyndicate 12%
@edcerbero 6%
Read 4 tweets
Dec 30th 2018
Last weekend of 2018 and time to update #santhireads2018
I had not met the numbers set for each of the challenges, but Oh BOY!! its has been a MARVELLOUS year of #reading - A Gentleman in Moscow, Circe, An American Marriage, Becoming-just to name a few that will stay with me
#litWorldGB2018 I think I am short of 2 countries but I am aiming to end with one more book set in N Africa - Tunisia. The list of books completed for this (Botswana is repeated and USA is not included ;))
#Booked2018 list of books read (few overlap with previous list obviously ;))…

#santhireads2018 The prompts and completed books are as follows-
Read 9 tweets

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