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Dec 29th 2021
Why is the world the way it is today ? ..

Who put their faith into Past presidents?
Who voted for past evil corrupt presidents & all these years later you find out what was really going on ?

Why is this world the way it is?
Why were all those children hurt?
How many have family that think they blindly put their faith into past leaders from their generations that ended up being the reason why this world got to be as dark as it seems to be?

Time to take accountability?

Time to give it all to God?
What about forgiveness?
How many have done nothing but argue with their family & friends about what is real & or what is the truth ?
How many arguments have gone #UNFORGIVEN ?
How many people have ones lost along the way that were their best friends because of all that has been happening?
Read 11 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
I love it how they label me A “Riddler”, Should I label everyone?

You label me, I will label you?

So many purposely try to be me or be like me for 1 reason & 1 reason only, to take attention away from God . .
All by design & most fall for it all.
THEY all knew everyone would run from account to account at the first smell/sight of cheese, like mice trapped in A cage within A maze ..

There are A few on here that communicate with me in A specific language.. Most try to mimic it for attention ..

If all of this wasn’t
Happening, what would you be doing on the Internet?
What would you be talking about?

Walk in FAITH -

The light of Gold & Treasures, that seems to be the ONLY reason why most are on here today ..

The ONLY thing that is real is Gods love ..

Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
Hoy toca hablar de PELÍCULAS que podrían ser SECUELAS APÓCRIFAS de otras, pertenecer al mismo UNIVERSO o considerarse un WHAT IF de otras con las que no deberían tener conexión.

Y no, no voy a hablar de los Vega de #PulpFiction y #ReservoirDogs.

Se avecina un pequeño #HILO ⬇️⬇️ Image
#LaConversación (Paramount, 1974) de Coppola, con GENE HACKMAN y John Cazale.

#EnemigoPúblico (Touchstone, 1998) de Tony Scott, con Will Smith y GENE HACKMAN. ImageImage
(SPOILERS) Tras la muerte de su último cliente y un amenazador mensaje, Harry Caul acaba cayendo en la locura y arrasa su casa en busca de MICROS y CÁMARAS.

25 años después, habiendo desaparecido y cambiado de nombre, recibirá la visita del personaje de Smith en busca de AYUDA. ImageImage
Read 25 tweets

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