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May 10th 2023
@TumorBoardTues @PGrivasMDPhD 1/17 #TumorBoardTuesday #UrothelialCancer #OncTwitter @PGrivasMDPhD

73yo 👴🏼
PMH: HTN, CKD stage 3 (GFR 40), hearing loss
2 month hx flank pain, urinary hesitancy, & hematuria
🩻CT chest abd/pelvis: focal mass-like thickening of anterior bladder wall; no LN-pathy or other mets
@TumorBoardTues @PGrivasMDPhD 2/17 #TumorBoardTuesday #UrothelialCancer #BladderCancer @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD @OncoAlert @BCMCancerCenter

👴🏼 underwent TURBT
🔬biopsy: high grade urothelial carcinoma, micropapillary variant (100%) with involvement of muscularis propria

🧐 What would you do for this pt?
Read 20 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
@TumorBoardTues 1/15 #TumorBoardTuesday #BladderCancer #OncTwitter
HTN: Amlodipine
T2DM: Metformin, Insulin
6 mo: haematuria & weight loss
CTCAP: thickened bladder wall with L side hydronephrosis & borderline paraaortic LNS. No distant mets
TURBT: G3 PT2N1M0 bladder TCC
CrCl: 75ml/min
@TumorBoardTues 2/15 #TumorBoardTuesday #BladderCancer @tompowles1 @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD

👴🏽 Patient opts for cystectomy.

🤔 Should we do a PET scan prior to surgery? Why or why not?
@TumorBoardTues @tompowles1 @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD 3/15 #TumorBoardTuesday #BladderCancer

❌PET scan prior to✂️
🩻PET lacks sensitivity in MIBC (70% in prior study n=43)
clinically negative CT + bone scan, PET/CT had SNS of 70% in MIBC
🧑🏻‍⚕️🤝👴🏽 #SharedDecision 4 cycles neoadju gem+cis
Read 19 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
@TumorBoardTues @TomJayram @arnabguonc @UroCancerMD @vinay_onc @simon_p_kim @AlexAlvaro_PSC @AlyaShamsan @MichaelStaehler @DrOmarMian @kaydaustin @josiegarcia1 @LeeJonesMBA @mcricardoa @UroDocAsh @Uromigos @AJangMD @BenMironMD @ChrisSweens1 @Tanjin097 @NikiTripathi27 1/15 #TumorBoardTuesday #BladderCancer #OncTwitter

71 y/o 👨🏽‍🦳
Former 🚬
👨‍🏭Worked in various factories in 80s-00s
Recently diagnosed metastatic #UrothelialCancer (lymph nodes/lung)

🤨 What would you pick for your first line of therapy?
Read 17 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
@TumorBoardTues @PGrivasMDPhD @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD 1/19 #TumorBoardTuesday #BladderCancer #OncTwitter

74 yo🧓🏼
2020: localized Rt upper tract urothelial carcinoma
2020: ✂️ radical nephroureterectomy
🧪Germline testing negative
Complicated by CKD stage 4 after ✂️ (creatinine clearance 25 ml/min)
🩻Restaging CT CAP 1 year
@TumorBoardTues @PGrivasMDPhD @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD 🩻 NEW metastatic disease to spine, 🫁 and retroperitoneal lymph nodes
🔬Biopsy of RP lymph node: Metastatic #UrothelialCarcinoma
🧪Molecular: FGFR3-TACC3 fusion, MTAP loss, CDKN2A loss

🤨 What 1L treatment would you pick for this patient?
@TumorBoardTues @PGrivasMDPhD @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD 3/19 #TumorBoardTuesday @PGrivasMDPhD @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD #UrothelialCancer

🤔 Is the above 74yo 🧓🏼 patient a good candidate for platinum-based chemotherapy?

🤨 Poll: Which of these criteria would make this patient platinum-ineligible?
Read 23 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
@myESMO #ESMO20 as a #trainee can be #overwhelming! So many good studies, some more #practicechanging then others, if you missed some and want to understand (albeit at a simplistic #trainee level), sit back, relax and enjoy as we go through some great data #ESMO20 @OncoAlert
1. #NSCLC: 2 major studies #ADAURA #CROWN for adjuvant #EGFRmNSCLC, and advanced #ALK+ experts can provide better perspective @JackWestMD @n8pennell @StephenVLiu @AMansfieldMD @CharuAggarwalMD @NarjustDumaMD @GlopesMd @DevikaDasMD @OncoAlert
1. A) #ADAURA: Stage IB-IIIA #resected #NSCLC with #EGFRm treated with #Osimertinib vs #placebo [SOC prior to this was adjuvant chemotherapy [cisplatin-based doublet based on #LACE metanalysis-] showed improvement in #DFS @NEJM…
Read 19 tweets

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