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Jan 14th 2023
🧵1/ For better — and worse — there’s a lot going on in Texas and often what happens here has implications for the rest of the country. This is why @ProPublica & @TexasTribune joined forces to form an investigative team led by @zahiratorres.
Here’s some of what we did last year:
2/ In 2021, Gov. Abbott launched #OperationLoneStar, the state’s latest iteration of a border crackdown, arguing the federal government failed to do its job so TX needed to step in to stop the smuggling of people/drugs.
@lomikriel & I teamed up w/ @MarshallProj to look into it.
3/ Our investigation exposed how the state’s claim of success was based on shifting metrics that included crimes with no connection to the border. That included a Black man who lived 250 miles away and was arrested on a family violence assault charge.…
Read 13 tweets
Jul 17th 2022
1. This write up of the Texas House committee interim report is both heartbreaking & infuriating.

People often think that preventing violence is someone else's job. I hope more people will learn that it's EVERYONE'S job.
2. The full report for the Investigative Committee on the Robb Elementary Shooting titled “Interim Report 2022” is 81 pages long. I haven’t had time to read it so this thread is working only from the article. #UvaldeShooting…
3. There are no surprises here.

The Uvalde shooter had a years-long history of missed opportunities for intervention including:
- an alleged history of being sexually abused by an adult male
- a mother with a substance abuse problem
- seeming neurodevelopmental issues
Read 21 tweets
May 25th 2022
Suspected shooter Salvador Ramos legally purchased two AR platform rifles on May 17th and May 20th (the week of his 18th birthday), per a law enforcement briefing to TX state senators. 1/4 #khou11 #uvaldeshooting
One of the rifles he had purchased was left in a truck Ramos crashed near Robb Elementary. The other rifle (a Daniel Defense) was located in the school with the suspect. On May 18th, the suspect purchased 375 rounds of 5.56 ammo. 2/4 #khou11 #uvaldeshooting
According to the briefing, the supsect dropped a backpack with several magazines near the school entrance. Inside, there were at least seven 30-round magazines. 3/4 #khou11 #uvaldeshooting
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