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⏳4592307816 Occurs at position 60 in π. It includes the ten numbers. 666 relating to 6x6x6=216. 216 relating to the diameter of the moon 2160 Miles. 351, 26th Triangular. 26 letters in the English alphabet. 60, a whole when taking about time. 22/7=3.14... 2083 the 314th prime⌛️ Image
"Sixty Time" = 459! WOW! Image
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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