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Jan 28th 2021
1/3 #LASD Special Victims Bureau investigated a male for possession of child pornography with a previous sex crime conviction. Yesterday, the defendant pled “no contest” to the charges.
2/3 Pursuant to the DA’s new directives, both of the defendant’s previous strike convictions for sex crimes with a child were stricken resulting in a low term 2 years in state prison sentence.
3/3 The defendant who has been in custody since his arrest in October 2020, has earned approximately 253 days credit towards his required half time to be served and will likely be released from custody in about 112 days.

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Feb 17th 2019
1. The police investigation will get to the bottom of the Jessie Smollett attack. In me meantime, can we please not use this incident as a referendum on hate crimes? Although, as a career prosecutor I can attest to the fact that there are occasionally false assault reports . . .
2. My fear is that if it turns out this is a publicity stunt (though I’m not saying that is the case), people will use it as a vehicle to disbelieve victims who are attacked daily in the US for the color of their skin, their ethnicity or their sexual orientation/identification...
3. Please consider this - if a person falsely claims to have cancer to win sympathy, attention or donations (think a sham GoFundMe account), we don’t use one bad apple as an excuse to disbelieve the millions of folks who are battling cancer . . .
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