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Nov 20th 2020
THREAD: @BorisJohnson your 10-point climate plan is far from the ambitious green recovery we need to protect people and the planet.

Here's a breakdown of why the 10 points aren’t enough, and what we could achieve instead 👇
@BorisJohnson 1. The Tories want to power every home with offshore wind.

But in 2019, Labour pledged to invest £83bn in offshore wind to create 70,000 new jobs and spearhead a just transition for workers in fossil fuels.

We need more of that ambition from Labour 🌬️…
@BorisJohnson 2. The Tory plans focus on hydrogen as a low-carbon solution.

But a hydrogen-powered economy is decades away. A realistic #GreenNewDeal would invest in existing renewables and roll out green energy faster.

A renewable-powered economy is within reach 🌱…
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