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Mar 15th 2019
UP NEXT: 2nd seed Manatee (Trichechus manatus) versus 12th seed Ring-tailed Vontsira (Galidia elegans) #2019MMM
The West Indian Manatee is a fully aquatic mammal (it never comes out of the water, like whales) with two subspecies that are found along the coast of Florida, islands of the Caribbean, & northeastern coast of South America (Husar, 1978) #2019MMM
Truly a sea cow, manatees are herbivores & graze on all sorts of water plants. In fact, one free-ranging manatee spent on average 11 hours per day feeding (Etheridge et al, 1985) #WayToGoGus #WhereIsPickle #AwesomeOldPapers #2019MMM
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