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Jun 20th 2018

Did anti HRC FBI NYFO agents leak word of HRC emails on Weiner’s laptop asap to GOP & Giuliani, to push Comey to reopen the HRC probe?

RU buyers made 86 cash sales, nearly $109 million at 10 Trump properties in S FL & NYC using shell COs.💰laundering.

Cohen Wants 45 to pay his legal fees.

Cohen signaled to friends rehe is "willing to give" investigators info abt 45

600 United Methodist clergy & church members are bringing church law charges against U.S. AG Sessions re separating families policies.

Erik Prince says he is ‘cooperating’ w/ Mueller probe. Doesn’t mean he is.

Are the GOP gunning to impeach Rosenstein to further up end the Rule of Law?

@nytimes pulled a recorded interview w/Stephen Miller from its morning podcast. Bet it was damning.
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