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Jul 8th 2020
Good morning!
Last week we talked about aphelion and this week I've got something I call #WednesdaysWord (an obviously extremely creative name for a subsidiary of #ScienceBehind).

So let's do some science, shall we?
#STEMeducation #STEMed
Last week, we spent time in space so let's bring it a little closer with noctilucent clouds

☁️ (the clouds don't really look like this but twitter emojis just ain't there yet so we make do 🤷🏾‍♀️)

#13newsnow #STEMed #stemeducation Image
So where exactly do these clouds form? It's in an area of the atmosphere called the mesosphere

We live in the troposphere and that's where our weather happens. Noctilucent clouds don't produce any weather, however

#sciencebehind #STEMed #stemeducation Image
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