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Jul 5th 2019
THREAD: Matt. 15.21-28. A woman’s great faith.


Jesus has been engaged in ministry in Galilee (14.13-15.20).

In 15.21, he ‘withdraws’ (εξερχομαι) to Tyre and Sidon.

The vb. ‘withdraw’ suggests Jesus is in search of privacy,
which Mark confirms (7.24-25).

But Jesus does not in fact get much privacy in Tyre and Sidon.

He is instead confronted by a Canaanite woman,

who follows him around and ‘cries out’ (ptc. = sustained activity) after him.

Jesus’ response to the woman may come as a surprise to us
because Jesus does not actually respond to the woman (15.22-23)...

...or, put more precisely, because Jesus responds with silence.

But let us think more carefully about Jesus’ actions for a moment.

*Should* Jesus’ response to the Canaanite woman surprise us?
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