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#VIH : comment consolider la baisse des contaminations ? Découvrez le dossier du dernier Bulletin de l’Ordre >>… #WorldAidsDay2019 #JMS2019 Image
@Sidaction @SidaInfoService @assoAIDES @HAS_sante @CDOmedecins94 @CDOM42 @CDOM45 @NordOrdre @COMEDECINSMOSEL @ORDREMEDECINSPA @BouetP #JMS2019 | Comment accompagner un patient à qui l’on vient d’apprendre sa séropositivité ? Que faire face à un patient qui refuse toute prise en charge ?
Les réponses du Dr Boyer 💬… #WorldAidsDay2019 Image
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On #WorldAIDSDay2019, we need to fight both stigma and epidemic.

We have done some good work on understanding and planning:…

Now we must execute.

This is among the many areas where public, transparent benchmarks would help us understand our progress.
For instance, this plan identifies six goals and has recommendations for achieving them, including:

* Convene a standing Oversight Body to guide implementation of the Plan’s recommendations

I’m not aware of our having established this. If we haven’t, we should!

Another: Create a dedicated staff position within the Nashville Metro Public Health Department to coordinate the EtE initiative

I need to check with @NashvilleHealth to see if we’ve done this. It’s tough, as we’ve had back-to-back leadership transitions there.

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this image gets passed around a lot on days like #WorldAIDSDay2019, and I wanted to do a brief thread about it - this is the jacket worn by david wojnarowicz (1954-1992), an artist and writer who blended rage and deep empathy to challenge the control and violence of the state wojnarowicz in 1988 in a denim jacket that reads on the back “if I die of aids - forget burial - just drop my body on the steps of the f.d.a.” overlaying an upturned pink triangle
the details of david’s life - an abusive childhood, sex work, assault, alienation, the deaths of friends and lovers - are never far from his work, and it is his willingness to cut to the heart of his experiences and find the ways in which they connected us to each other that a photograph of wojnarowicz in 1981 holding a snake taken by his friend and lover peter hujar who died of aids in 1987a piece from wojnarowicz’s arthur rimbaud in new york series, a set of photos in which wojnarowicz wears a mask of rimbaud’s face as he positions himself in places of the city familiar to him personally, 1978-1979queer bashers/icarus falling, 1986untitled (one day this kid... ), 1990/91
fuels the tenderness beyond his anger - in his memoir close to the knives, he writes, “I want to throw up because we're supposed to quietly and politely make house in this killing machine called America and pay taxes to support our own slow murder and I'm amazed we're not running
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As we celebrate the 2019 World Aids Day, it is important to commend the role communities have played to contain its spread and the efforts to find its cure.

This year's theme is "Communities making the difference". Image
EKEDC as a unique community keeps making the difference by extending this great gesture to celebrating the World AIDS day.

Let's all show some love to all especially those living with HIV & AIDS.
On our part, we will continue to support the awareness and the control of AIDS.

Happy World AIDS day
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