How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App route, we made sure that any future contracts would have improved transparency and monitoring and that #MetroCouncil would be empowered to review future private contracts. often, we don’t have any control over how are bodies are impacted by disease, developmental issues, or pre-existing conditions. great example of a project I hope comes to fruition is the full capitalization of the McGruder Family Resource Center, where @bellforjudge has established the Music City Community Court and where there’s a ton of potential for @FEC_Nashville to expand its reach. loved to celebrate forgotten legends. For awhile, he ran a series where you could come meet old @opry stars. It was fascinating to see who showed up and get to meet some of the stars. I remember meeting Charlie Louvin. our last #MetroCouncil meeting, the CMs from the committee passed a resolution calling on @JohnCooper4Nash to complete a fines and fees study initiated almost a year ago. demonstrated very clearly that we could #FlattenTheCurve in Nashville by starting with #SaferAtHome and easing into an #OpenSafely scenario. T.C.A. §4-1-412 had this: "Except as otherwise provided in this section, no memorial regarding a historic conflict, historic entity, historic event, historic figure, or historic organization... less could I have imagined that @JohnCooper4Nash would lean into change so quickly. It’s bold leadership. and especially, that means publicly grappling with the troubling data revealed by the @gideonsarmyutd "Driving While Black" report: is a good primer from @EFF on concerns we all should have: