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Oct 11th 2021
Yeah, finally i can say it: i've saw the pílot of #YTheLastMan and this little thread will show my feelings about it. Spoiler alert: i like it. A LOT.
The pilot shows a hsitory very close to the start of the comic book series, with all the men dying except Yorick and his little monkey Ampersand. But thematically, it plays way different. #YTheLastMan
The series is definitely a woman's world since the start, there is just man enough to the women side not be highlighted as such. We saw different women what looks like will be essential to the wrecked world Yorick will have to face it. #YTheLastMan
Read 18 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
Why (Y) is the world of Y: THE LAST MAN so apocalyptic? The writers and I did a ton of research (led by an incredible researcher named Amy Hammond) and we learned a lot of super disturbing shit. A thread.
The US economy (and many other country's economies) are "just in time" economies, which mean that they rely on multiple truck deliveries a day (a NYC grocery store, without deliveries from trucks would run out of food in about 3 days).…
Our infrastructure is CURRENTLY crumbling. From bridges collapsing to subways flooding, we are on a scary precipice RIGHT NOW. Politicians love to talk about "infrastructure week," but what are they actually doing to fix these problems?
Read 13 tweets

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