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Most recents (2)

Jun 26th 2019
1/ Today I’m nervously hitting the publish button on a big project. For the past month I’ve been obsessively analyzing over 150,000 small business websites to find out what makes them tick. That’s roughly 1% of all small businesses in the US.…
2/ I call it the 150k Small Business Website Teardown 2019. A lot of folks helped out with this gigantic project. Special thanks to @danaditomaso, @darrenshaw_, @davidmihm, @JoyanneHawkins, @lauratroyani, @randfish and @RobOusbey for putting up with my questions.
3/ To complement the crawl I ran hundreds of Google searches to see how these websites stack up in the rankings. I fetched #PageSpeed scores to see which sites were speedy and which were slow. Ultimately I collected over 300 data points for each website.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 3rd 2018
When testing accounts for automation, a metric @ZellaQuixote and I have been using is whether the accounts A) post 24/7 and/or B) post 90% or more of their tweets via automation apps/services. We decided to apply this test to our own followers.
Of 32045 accounts that follow one or both of us, 232 tested positive for automation per this test. This chart shows the 25 most common apps/services used to post the tweets. IFTTT and Buffer are the most prominent.
Here are the hashtags most often used by the 232 likely bots following @ZellaQuixote and/or myself. Many are political, but there are also some that seem promotional (#Yelp). #FollowTheWhiteRabbit is a false positive due to two bots we created, @BakedAlpacas and @SeanSpammity.
Read 6 tweets

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