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Feb 3rd 2020
Finally got to watch @sunny_hundal's #YoungSikhAndProud.

I appreciated it & recommend others to watch it as well.

There are parts I do not like, but the doc deserves much more nuanced criticism/praise than it has received, IMHO.

This will probably be a long thread...oh well.
Ill start with this - I consider Sunny a friend I got to really know during the @WorldSikhOrg #AskCanadianSikhs stuff we were doing in Canada to challenge the media's coverage of our community.

Sunny was INTEGRAL to that fight & defended our community in a way not many could.
I traveled across Canada with Sunny during that time in 2018 & I got to really like the man.

He cares about the community, fighting foreign interference, etc.

While we dont agree on everything I have immense respect for him. I dont question his loyalty to the Sikh Community.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 2nd 2020
There was A LOT covered in BBC1's 'Young Sikh and Proud', so here are thoughts on my narrative, interviews, and... criticisms.

There were two parallel stories in #YoungSikhandProud:
1: two brothers who grow up in London, went separate ways, clash over a big issue, reconciled and learned about each other.

2: the search for faith, belonging and identity, and tensions of a young community fitting into modern Britain.
Why did I want to tell this from *my* perspective?

Firstly, it’s far more personal and tells you more about Jagraj as a person.

99% of non-Sikh Britons didn't know him. So I had to introduce him to them and explore WHY he went on that journey.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 29th 2020
I knew Jagraj Singh from his time at Oxford to the time of his divorce. There are some things you might not know. A thread #YoungSikhandproud 1/n
Firstly, Jagraj Singh had a hugely positive impact through his work with Basics of Sikhi and I don't want to detract from that. But his treatment of his first wife and their son highlights a problem in Sikhi with domestic abuse and how it's handled. #YoungSikhandproud 2/n
There's never a good time to talk about something like this, especially when the person has passed away. Although many knew Jagraj Singh well, I'm not sure how many knew him in this period. #YoungSikhandproud 3/n
Read 8 tweets
Jan 29th 2020
Thank you for all the kind msgs about #YoungSikhandProud on BBC, especially from family, who loved the portrayal of Jagraj.

Disappointed that many who privately say they loved it don't want to say it publicly in fear of being criticised.
My thoughts…
A bit surprised by a few things.

1) Some notable people went out of their way to stop anyone working with me on this film.

Now they're complaining I didn't speak to more Sikh groups. 🤔
2) Yes, it covered a lot of issues, sometimes superficially. But this was a short-ish documentary for a very white, mainstream audience.

We debated every nuance that needed to be added against whether it would just add more confusion or needed further explanation.
Read 8 tweets

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