I appreciated it & recommend others to watch it as well.
There are parts I do not like, but the doc deserves much more nuanced criticism/praise than it has received, IMHO.
This will probably be a long thread...oh well.

Sunny was INTEGRAL to that fight & defended our community in a way not many could.
He cares about the community, fighting foreign interference, etc.
While we dont agree on everything I have immense respect for him. I dont question his loyalty to the Sikh Community.
We went out for dinner after one of our panel events & a couple of Singhs approached Sunny.
They knew Jagraj Singh, and everyone started reminiscing about him - including the past conflicts between the two brothers.
It was an emotional moment & it was obvious to all of us that Sunny loved and respected his brother, and felt sad about how he lost so many years over fights with him.
This is the legacy of Jagraj Singh told from the POV of his brother & family. Sunny accomplishes showing a side of the story rich with human emotion & vulnerability.
Which is, quite honestly, the best way to do it.
1) I understand why the Anand Karaj piece was important for Sunny to start with, as it defines a point where things go south between him & Jagraj Singh. It makes sense, and I think necessary to the storytelling POV...
The masked man Sunny interviewed did not share the other side of the debate very well at all, which is a lot deeper than presented.
It only makes sense if you include the context of the raids but including that would derail the doc.
So, if that's the case then don't mention the police part at all. It is not essential to this story and distracting without the full context.
He also allows criticism against himself, fairly openly. Which to be honest is commendable for someone as opinioned as Sunny!
There is a larger story being told here, that comes together nicely at the end.
Which is why I appreciate the POV Sunny took in telling this story.
+ Sukhmani's line about Sunny treating debates with Jagraj as intellectual exercises was a key moment, you can kind of see his face go "shit"
Do I agree with everything Sunny says - no lol. But I still got all the time in the world for the guy.
There should be multiple stories on an amazing life and legacy.