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Oct 2nd 2022
Gavin Newsom this week signed or vetoed a big flurry of bills having to do with criminal justice & prison. You may have seen some headlines (solitary reform vetoed; free phone calls), but it's hard to keep track.

So here's a thread on 13 of the biggest, & why they matter. ⬇
1️⃣ Gavin Newsom SIGNED a bill to make phone calls free from prison.

"High cost of prison phone calls has sapped money from low-income families with incarcerated loved ones.... [many] go in debt in their attempt to maintain contact with loved ones" #SB1008…
2️⃣ Newsom SIGNED a bill to expand California's 'compassionate release' program, which will help people leave prison when terminally ill.

With very long sentencing, so many people are condemned to die in prison. This is chip into that. #AB960…
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