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Nov 26th 2019
Today is one of those days I really love my department and job. I left journal club and the department chair was in the hall. He asked if I had a minute, he had some questions for me. We went to his office. He had 3 questions. #AcademicParent #AcademicTwitter
Question 1: Does the baby have her own room yet? The baby should go into her own room to sleep and you should close the door and then go into your room and close the door. Let her cry. Crying = alveoli expansion = good for the lungs. Throw out any monitors.
Question 2: Do you give the baby warm or cold milk? He asked all of his babies if they liked their milk warm or cold, and they didn't answer. So he gave them the milk cold. Don't give the baby a choice and she'll never know. Cold milk + rested parent > warm milk + tired parent.
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