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Jun 29th 2021
🇮🇶 Let's look at the "layer cake" over #Iraq

( Someone who actually works in ATC will laugh at me, but I don't want to work for ATC 😂 )
Above 35,000ft we have at least 7 airliners, all broadcasting ADS-B, as commercial air traffic does.

We also have one #USAF E-11A BACN 11-9355 #AE4DE1 c/s #BLKWF13 at 36,000ft broadcasting Mode-S; a military plane, in the middle of the civ air traffic.
at 32,000ft we have a C-17 transiting over Iraq
#RCH850 #AE2FA4 08-8192

at 25,000ft we have a KC-135, that's probably the alt where they are refuelling fighters.

at 24,000ft we have #OpSHADER's Voyageur
#CBOW23 #43C6F5 #ZZ332
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