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Jan 12th 2023
Hello Travelers !!!

Today I bring you a thread to help you reach 100% exploration in Sumeru and found as much chest you can🔥🦾
[10 different Sumeru guides] (part 2)
#GenshinImpact #Primogems #Alhaitham
Read 12 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
(More #haikaveh brain rot, A/B/O edition)

An outsider would guess that #Alhaitham would have a quiet, reserved omega. An omega who, though well-learned, would be deferential to Alhaitham's preferences and rationale. A traditional partnership of convenience and mutual benefit.
#Kaveh of Kshahrewar was well-learned, but beyond that, he fit none of that.

He was taller than the average omega, with a presence that filled every corner of the room. He was excitable, particularly when he was intrigued by a project or when arguing a point. He was
called stubborn, haughty, bossy, even bitchy, some might say - usually alphas assigned to projects with Kaveh as their superior.

Alhaitham cannot necessarily disagree with those points. But, the truth is, those things are, well, rather attractive to him.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
🎧🪶 #haikaveh
#Alhaitham #Kaveh
「 Irresponsible 」
————— <3 —————

“If you were more careful with where you place your items, we wouldn’t even be in this situation.”

“Oh, so it’s my fault now?!”

Alhaitham feels a vein in his head
throb. “Yes.” He crosses his arms, entirely unimpressed. “I’m glad you’re finally seeing reason.”

“You—! You’re such a mannerless prick!”

“𝘔𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴?” Alhaitham scowls. “You are living in 𝘮𝘺 house rent free. If anything, 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 the mannerless one.”
This is the third time that Kaveh has lost his keys within this very month, itself. But, at this point, it has already been engraved into their schedule, so it isn’t surprising.

Unfortunately, unlike other times, finding the key is necessary because Alhaitham will be going to
Read 15 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
(#kavetham/#haikaveh headcanon that help me sleep at night)

Anyone that knows of the Light of Kshahrewar is at least somewhat aware that the man is a curator of beauty, both in his designs and how he presents himself. He is careful to express his artistic nature with artfully
gathered and braided golden hair, colorful and well-tailored clothes, and fine-quality jewelry of unique design.

Akademiya juniors and scholars admire him not only for his mastery of his craft, but his ever-graceful conduct and appearance.
Admiring eyes follow #Kaveh wherever he goes, ranging from respectful to downright lecherous.

It would almost be enough to make #Alhaitham jealous.

That is, if that were the image of Kaveh that he coveted.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
🌱🪶 #haikaveh
#Alhaitham #Kaveh
「 Fainting Spells 」
⚠️ mpreg
————— <3 —————


Letting out a frustrated sigh, the man in question looks up from the paper in his hand. “What.”

A set of hands slam harshly on his desk. “The funds, Haitham, the funds!” Kaveh points an
accusatory finger at his roommate. “You rejected them! Again! Even though I’ve already revised them like you told me to!”

“Revise them again, then.”

Kaveh throws his hands up in exasperation. “It’s already the least we can go!”

“Well, that’s just too bad.”
Kaveh scowls. “How rude. You should respect your seniors more! Maybe then, you’ll be more popular.”

“I could care less about what others think of me.”

The blonde rolls his eyes. “You 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 start caring about what others think, being
Read 19 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
#haikaveh King Deshret Reincarnation #Alhaitham

Something felt off as "he" came to.
"He" opened his eyes and yet, he thought, that was not something he should be capable of.
"He" should not be here.

Light flooded his vision. His environment was brightly lit and yet "he"...
didn’t take any of it in, just staring blankly ahead, his mind buzzing. Too many thoughts, too many sensations, too many questions.
Where was "he"? What happened? Who-

"He" raised his hands instinctively and was still surprised when they suddenly entered his field of vision.
"He" stared at them, not quite comprehending that "he" was the one controlling them.
Whose… whose hands were those?

Unbeknownst to him a door opened nearby and there was a sharp intake of breath.

“Haitham! Finally you’re awake! How are you feeling?”
Read 138 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
ok i literally have no idea how to use this i just want to share my edits soo
Starting out i have my diluc kokomi edit
(I have no clue how hashtags work but im assuming it’s less of them than instagram sooo)
#kokomi #Diluc Image
the next one i did was chongyun and childe
#chongyun #childe #tartaglia #Genshin #GenshinImpact Image
Read 106 tweets

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