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Mar 2nd 2019
Let's wander down the rabbithole of the use of the term "warmonger" and various permutations thereof on Twitter. Search terms included:

war monger(s)
war mongerer(s)

cc: @ZellaQuixote
We'll start by looking at the use of warmonger etc in the data released by Twitter on accounts they identified as state-linked disinformation and subsequently removed. There are 1097 tweets containing warmonger in these datasets, mostly from accounts attributed to Russia or Iran.
Word clouds for tweets containing "warmonger" from the Russia-linked accounts respectively. US political figures along with "neocon" and "globalist" are prominent. #AltWankers such as PrisonPlanet, JackPosobiec, and StefanMolyneux also show up.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 18th 2018
Ever since Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, tweets have been popping up falsely equating his situation with that of Julian Assange (who is quite alive). The topic has gained momentum since it became public that Assange has been charged.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
We downloaded tweets containing "Khashoggi" and "Assange", resulting in 3539 tweets from 2679 accounts since the time of the murder. The smaller spike back in October is largely due to @LeeCamp's tweet pictured in the first tweet of this thread.
Retweet network for Khashoggi + Assange. The cluster pushing the false equivalence center on @sahouraxo; many of these accounts routinely promote #FalseFlag theories re Syria. @JackPosobiec joins them. The cluster centered on @RVAwonk contains accounts pointing out the fallacy.
Read 7 tweets

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