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Nov 10th 2022
My brother, the writer Vikram Seth, was recently scammed by Amazon. It is appalling and here’s the story in his words. @amazonindia #amazonwoes #vikramseth
Scammed and then Stonewalled by @amazonIN

by #vikramseth

Here is a most unsuitable scam perpetrated by #Amazon (or its couriers or agents).

I ordered 10 bamboo bookracks. (I am a writer.) Each was for ₹ 999.
@amazonindia @AmazonIndia #AmazonWoes #AmazonScams #VikramSeth

In a few days, Amazon texted me that my order was due to arrive and sent me an OTP (one time password) to give to the courier or driver.

The Amazon driver arrived. He had exactly one bamboo bookrack with him.
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