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Oct 20th 2022
#Thirumayam_Satyamurth_Perumal #Anantha_Sayanam #DivyaDesam Thirumayam is a place of historical and religious importance in Pudukkottai district. There is the Thirumayam Fort & the famous rock-cut shrines of Siva & Vishnu, hewn out of the same rock. The temple is a protected ImageImage
monument. The temple faces South with a 5 tier Rajagopuram and is on the east side of Shiva Temple. The Thirumeyyar deity is the longest Sayana God in India, measuring 22 ft, larger than Srirangam Perumal. It is also older than the Srirangam temple hence called #Adirangam. This
#Kudaivarai temple (cave) is built by the #Mutharaiyars. The temple is built on the slopes of a hill and one cannot circumambulate because the hill has been excavated to build the temple. #Thirumnagaiazhwar has done mangalasasanam for this temple. #Thirumeyyam (A Land of Truth)
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