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Mar 5th 2023
I can not believe this... Otakon will be operating as normal, for 2023. They're just recommending masks and vax for this year.

However due to the fact that this anime convention is declining in customer service and quality...

...,rapidly approaching Anime Expo levels of attendee counts, and willfully refused to operate normal when legally allowed to in 2022, I will be skipping this year.

The anime convention industry is still struggling to recover as a whole and the lockdowns have driven people...
who are into anime conventions who are pushed away by the culture change and the self-imposed restrictions to take a break from conventions and save their money or seek other conventions out of state.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 10th 2022
Anime Expo 2022 Coronachan mandate hysterics - A thread

On June 8th 2022 anime expo announced a relaxation of Coronachan mandates, only keeping a strict mask mandate. The reaction was immediate outrage


#animeconventions #animeexpo #animeexpo2022
with attendees (who had no real intention of going) demand the reinstatement, some guests canceling their apperences, and some telling people to do charge backs.


#animeconventions #animeexpo #animeexpo2022
Today anime expo reinstates the vax mandates with a optional test mandate due to social media outrage and mean tweets. More proof that the anime convention scene has no backbone and bends easiliy to the hysterics.


#animeconventions #animeexpo #animeexpo2022
Read 5 tweets

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