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Oct 2nd 2021
1/10 #MentalHealthMatters - read on if you are interested in arts & mental health. This is a practical guide that talks about the impact of the pandemic @ace_national @HENLEYDARREN @DCMS - we @closeandremote have spent the last 18 months responding to the situation.
2/10 #MentalHealthMatters - March 2020 all of our work was cancelled @closeandremote - along with other artists we were in trouble. With digital & painting skills we reinvented our workflow, not overnight but by trying things out. Zoom went from novel to necessary...
3/10 We quickly realised that people struggling with mental health did not want to spend time online. It needed a different approach. With @2NQLondon #ArtSchoolinaBox was developed. It's a very simple idea - you get an art workbook & all the materials in a box, with some tea bags
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