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Nov 13th 2022
Echo is one of the more skilled ultrasound exams you can do. Having learnt it and now teaching it, I see the same mistakes being made over and over again. I have put together thread on beginner mistakes in echo. #tweetorial #POCUS #FUSIC #askpocus
Before the specifics, the basics (which I won't go into too much detail about):
- Optimise depth and gain
- Position your patient if possible
- Hold the probe low and rest some part of your hand on the patient for stability
- If in doubt more jelly and press a little harder
This is the commonest mistake on PLAX I see. People struggle to revert to a PLAX from this RV inflow view (which in itself is useful beyond basic echo). An RV inflow view is obtained by tilting the tail up from the PLAX point. So, to get back to PLAX just do the reverse motion.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 5th 2021
So what does a #POCUS guided fluid assessment look like? #tweetorial #askpocus @IMPOCUSFocus @DRsonosRD @KalagaraHari @SonoSerious @tsquaredmd @jaffa_md @nick_wroe @EM_RESUS @coreultrasound @kyliebaker888
Let’s start of the with the lungs! Normal dry lungs are represented by an A line profile. These are horizontal lines that are equidistant from each other and are reverberations artefacts of the pleural line.
B lines are vertical artefacts arising from the pleural propagating all the way down. When widespread and bilateral can be an indication of interstitial/alveolar oedema.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 6th 2021
#askpocus case. Indigestion type chest pain with some pleuritic nature. Troponin ++. Lateral TWI. Initially suspected ACS but CTPA showed PE so treated accordingly. @askpocus @daniel_opazo @NephroP @Wilkinsonjonny @iceman_ex @cianmcdermott @nick_wroe @IMPOCUSFocus @The_echo_lady
So why was troponin so raised? Bedside echo! Not the greatest of views but enough to comment. PLAX...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
Also known as stress induced cardiomyopathy/takutsubos syndrome/broken heart syndrome
Classically you get apical ballooning and akinesis with basal preservation.
Read 13 tweets

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