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May 3rd 2019
6 years
#Bayda #Baniyas
#Justice #Assad2ICC
'The executions unfolded over three days in two Sunni enclaves in the largely Alawite and Christian province, first in the village of Bayda and then in the Ras al-Nabeh district of the nearby city of Baniyas'…
'Government troops & supporting militias went house to house, killing entire families & smashing men’s heads with concrete blocks.

Activists provided lists of 322 victims they said had been identified. Videos showed at least a dozen dead children. Hundreds are reported missing'
'Multiple video images recorded in Bayda & Ras al-Nabeh — of small children lying where they died, some embracing one another or their parents — were so searing that even government supporters rejected official version of events, that army had “crushed a number of terrorists”
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