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Oct 17th 2018
(1) Sabarimala was burnt down in the 50s (2) The cross planting at Nilakkal happened in the 80s (3) The planned airport at Aranmula in the 200s (4) Now women entry. It’s apparent ‘they’ want the land that belongs to Sabarimala at any cost, however long it takes #SaveSabarimala
Sabarimala Temple Arson Case (1950)… | Don’t bother the report has been removed from the link. However I have a copy of the report
To put things in perspective, 40% of the Western Ghats (WG) are in Kerala. The area surrounding Sabarimala is the last remaining pristine forests in Kerala’s WG. They have immense ecological value. At the same time they have immense economic value as well 1/n
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