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Mar 2nd 2023
I'm 1 of 50 million Americans living with an immune system that mistakenly attacks/damages healthy tissue (rude). During #AutoimmuneAwarenessMonth we strive to promote better understanding of these complex chronic conditions. Follow me as I share my journey this month. Image
2) It takes an average of 4.5 years and 4 physicians for patients to recieve an autoimmune diagnosis:
-Many conditions mimic others
-Lab tests are not always definitive
-Symptoms flare and dissipate frequently
-Diseases often appear in clusters
3) This is me at 32, a month before I woke up 1 day + couldn't walk. Days later I couldn't bend my fingers. Bilateral pain/swelling + fam history of #rheumatoidarthritis prompted labs. Sky high CRP, ESR, rheumatoid factor sent me to a #rheumatologist.
#AutoimmuneAwarenessMonth Image
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