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May 10th 2023
#RiseOfAI @Riseof_AI starts with a chatGPT piped to text-to-video keynote. @bootstrappingme says 99% of people can't spot that this is not a person. Are there stats about this? I had about 0.2 seconds of doubt, but I'm sure there's better text to speech out there now.
Fabian did a great (incl. funny) job of complying with… and fighting the #futureOfWork misinfo, but repeats the "#AIAct would have blocked #chatGPT" US west-coast talking point. Has someone written a takedown of that yet? #AIEthics @meerihaataja * #riseofai
** The GDPR though should already have blocked #chatGPT hoovering up our data for @OpenAI / @Microsoft for free, is that already getting investigated for prosecution? Anyone? #DSA #AIReguation #digitalGovernance #RiseOfAI
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