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Jun 15th 2023
🧱 Let's dive into the world of Avalanche blocks with Avascan! 🌐

Discover the inner workings, structure, and navigation of blocks on the #Avalanche blockchain.

Explore the guide now in our knowledge base:…

#AVAX Image
3️⃣ Height: Numerical representation of a block's position within the blockchain. Track the order and sequence of blocks.

4️⃣ Age: Discover the time elapsed since a block's operation, including the date and time of occurrence. Stay updated on the blockchain's timeline.
5️⃣ TXS: Get insights into the number of transactions involved in each block. Measure the volume of activity and transactions taking place.

6️⃣ Hash: Unique identifier for each block. Easily identify and reference specific blocks using their hash values.
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