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Nov 25th 2021
๐Ÿงต The final #BasicIncomeConversation Research Network Seminar with @MichaelMarmot, @ProfKEPickett and @MTJohnsonUBI is well worth a watch.

It's now up on YouTube to watch back. Take a look at the potential health impacts of #BasicIncome ๐Ÿ‘‡ 1/7
Sir Michael Marmot started off talking about life expectancy. Work in the Americas showed life expectancy increase with the average income per person. But that this wasn't the case in the USA. It's not just about money above a threshold, it's what you can do with the money. 2/7
He talked about cash transfers & evidence that generally giving poor people money is good for their health. But that cash transfers (and some "basic income" pilots) differ from #BasicIncome as money comes with conditions or is paid to a target group rather than universally. 3/7
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