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Dec 26th 2018
We did a lot this year. One of the most important things we did was an investigative report on civil asset forfeiture in Alabama — a process that lets law enforcement take people's property even if they haven't committed a crime. #SPLCWinterReadingList #BestOf2018
What did police use it to take? Couches. Coffee tables. TVs. More than $2 million in cash from just nine Alabama counties. Likely more: police don't have to report what they take through civil asset forfeiture.…
It’s time for Alabama to end civil asset forfeiture. In 2019, we'll continue working to end exploitative practices that encourage policing for profit rather than justice. #SPLCWinterReadingList #BestOf2018…
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Dec 25th 2018
We did a lot this year, but one of the most important things we did was sue the private prison company CoreCivic, Inc. for forcing immigrants to maintain the detention center where they're being held. #SPLCWinterReadingList.
Refuse to do it, and they're denied necessities like soap, food, and toilet paper. They're paid just $1 a day for their labor. #SPLCWinterReadingList…
Our suit against CoreCivic is just one of multiple prison labor projects we undertook in 2018, and it's just one of the items on our #SPLCWinterReadingList. Our report on the poultry industry’s use of incarcerated workers is another. #BestOf2018…
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Dec 24th 2018
We did a lot this year. One of the most important things we did was sue the largest maximum-security prison in the country – also known as Angola – for unconstitionally deficient medical care. #SPLCWinterReadingList #Bestof2018…
We also sued Mississippi and Alabama's Department of Corrections for likewise failing to provide medical treatment for the people in their care. #splcwinterreadinglist…
People in prison have a right to medical care. Going into 2019, we will continue to fight inhumane conditions in prisons across the South. #SPLCWinterReadingList #BestOf2018…
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