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Oct 14th 2020
14 October 2020 #BetweenTheLilnesDotVote Analysis

I'm A Data Sucker, And Well, When My Lines Work...

You just can't blame me. Wait till you see the next chart! No one could fail to share when their lines were as prophetic as mine sometimes are. You have to forgive me, okay?
2) I do NOT forgive Dornsife for their hellacious machinations, completely admitted at their website. But I just can't get over the feeling that this one question is defeating their evil purposes. I'll explain once again, below. Here's the first chart I drew this morning.
3) There is a science that underlies polling data. It is simply a prediction of victory. Who thinks who will win? I have named it the Flynn Doctrine- and General Flynn has completely agreed - who the people think will win, will win.
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