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May 18th 2021
In marrow of vast majority of White Evangelical institutions is belief that #they are #theelect, #chosenones—their kind of Christianity is the #onlykind. They believe US is God ordained and their riches are a gift to be used to extend their power. 1/ #beyondchristiannationalism
#CriticalRaceTheory is a direct threat to the imagined ordination of White evangelical authority and power, because it shines LIGHT 🌞 on the dirty deeds they did to amass that power and wealth. 2/#beyondchristiannationalism
#CriticalRaceTheory rejects the smoke screen of over spiritualization and points to the LAWS their white grandpappies crafted and white meemaws voted for to ensure and secure the economic/social/political supremacy of whiteness. 3/#beyondchristiannationalism
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