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Aug 7th 2020
Donโ€™t make this a matter of religious colonization and propaganda. Why in the world would Hindus need to colonize themselves in their own land? Do we hear about Hindu evangelists? Or Do we hear about other evangelists being punished in the country for the amount of conversions ..
.. being done? Do you think opposing a national anthem, disrupting peace, conducting antinationalist rallies in places like USA, Vatican, England, etc. would let one even continue living in their countries? Intolerant? Really?!#MyBharat2Good4World #RamMandir #Ayodhya @PMOIndia๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
The youth of the country need to know their own roots. #BharatPride Lets not make India about religions and religious fights. We're more than that.
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